This website attempts to provide neutral, unbiased information about Bitcoin. The good, the bad and the ugly. Supported by facts with sources and references.
The author of this website has a generally positive attitude towards Bitcoin, and holds Bitcoin as part of their diversified investment portfolios.
The motivation for assembling and presenting the data is for an audience who possibly isn’t digital native, who knows Bitcoin just from the “news”, such as the boomer generation, to have an understanding of the risks and potential of investing in this crypto currency.
The name of this site comes from the idea to secure and pass on one Bitcoin for every child or grand child in your family – or, if that is too little for your circumstances, or has become too expensive already, then any amount that fits.
The slogan “Thought for Food” is the inverse of “Food for Thought”, which means “something that warrants serious consideration”. The authors of this website believe that Bitcoin and crypto require serious consideration – now, not in the future, because this space moves fast, and with technology nothing ever stays the same. Thorough thought now could provide a lot of food in the future – hence thought for food.
If you find this information useful – you are welcome.
– Kawamoto Chitose